Riding Through a Piece of Heaven


Enjoy Transylvania’s historical landscape of endless rolling hills adorned by wildflower meadows, forests and tiny villages, set against the backdrop of the Carpathian mountain range. This may well be Europe’s last riding heaven!

The concept of our treks is to introduce our guests right into the heart of our culture – where horses have kept their original role. The ride is led through unmarked terrain, over hills, and through forests, connecting one small village to another by unnoticeable tracks used by horses and carts. Up to 8 riders are led by 2 local guides. The small groups (often made up of several people who have booked separately) make for friendly and interesting riding. We also often run private rides for closed groups of up to 12 riders who know each other. The full trail ride takes 5 days in the saddle, a shorter 3-day version and day-rides are also possible.

The rides have often been described as a Tolstoy-esque experience, being accommodated at Count Kalnoky’s cottages and at The Prince of Wales’s private retreat; but our guests are also fond of getting an insight into the reality of the region by staying 2 nights in villager's homes during the 5-day ride. Evening meals are served together as table d’hôte at the accommodations. 

Our rides are unforgettable experiences for all fans of Tolstoy, Patrick Leigh Fermor, Miklos Banffy, William Blacker, Agatha Christie, and for all those who wish to discover this enchanting place before it changes all too much.

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